Because coding is fun!

Learn to code (Octopus game in Blitzmax) in a few minutes

So, you want to learn to code/program computers? Fancy the ideia of making your own games one day? Cool. Let's learn.

What you need to know in order to interpret the demo game by looking at the source code:

0 - Install Blitzmax compiler and IDE

Download Blitxmax from for your computer. Install it and run MaxIDE.

1 - Data types

The formula to declare a data type is:

scope name:type

Scope -> can be "Global" or "Local". It determined if your variable is available to all the project code or just for the block it was defined in.

Name -> whatever you want to call it, usually describes the content…

type -> in this game we use "int" (integer) for numeric values (like 1, 2, 3), "long" for some real big numbers, "float" for floating point numbers (like 1.5, 2.7, etc) and "string" to hold strings of characters (like "hello world").

So, if you see something like:

Global AuthorName:string

It means it is available this variable is available of the entire project (Global), it is called "AuthorName" (the variable name) and is of type "string" (holds a bunch of chraracters.

After a variable is declared, it can be assigned a value anywhere on your code (as long as it is in scope):

AuthorName="Paulo Laureano"

You may also assign the value on the same line you declare the variable:

Global AuthorName:string="Paulo Laureano"

A few others examples:

Local drink:string="soda"
Local bottle_capacity_in_liters:float=0.33
Local bottles:int=6

2 - Arrays

You can have several copies of a variable as an Array:

Local drink:string[5]
Local bottle_capacity_in_liters:float[5]
Local bottles:int[5]

…instead of declaring one variable in each of the previous lines, we are declaring an Array of 5 variables per line. These could then be assigned values:


Note that Arrays start at 0 (zero), and end at the declared size minus 1.
Any data type can be used in an Array.

3 - Functions

A function is a block of code, that can be called by name, receive parameters and return values. Sounds complicated? Not really. Just bear with me.

Imagine a sode that does the following:

Local x:float
Local y:float
Local z:float

x = 8 + 4
x = x *10
x = x - 1

y = 24 + 4
y = y * 10
y = y - 1

z = x + y

So we want:

- x to be equal to 8 + 4
- x to be multiplied by 10
- x value to be decremented by 1

And then we want

- y to be equal to 24 + 4
- y to be multiplied by 10
- y value to be decremented by 1

And finally, we want to add the values of x and y…

Notice how similar the first two steps are. Can we create a function that does the same operations receiving 8 or 24 as a parameter and return the final value?

Sure, the formula is:

Function name:returns_datatype(receives_parameters)

End funtion

"returns_datatype" and "receives_parameters" are both optional (you can have functions that return nothing or receive nothing). So back to our example:

Function calculate:float(value:float)
local k:float

k = value + 4
k = k *10
k = k - 1

return k
End function

Local z:float = calculate(8) + calculate(24)

… does exactly the same thing as the previous code, and we end up with the same value in "z". Think of functions as a way to not repeat the same code, and to reuse code you already written. The less code, the less bugs, and that is a good thing. Functions rock!

4 - Structures / classes (defining new data types / associate code to manipulate the data)

You can create new data types yourself, the formula is:

Type name

End type

"Methods" are exactly like "functions" but they work inside the data type. "Fields" are exactly like variables, but the live inside the datatype. Sounds complex? Maybe, until you use it:

Type person
field name:string
field age:int
field gender:int
field height:float

method describe()
print "This person is called " + name + ". It is " + age + " years old, " + get_gender()
+ " and " + height + "feet tall"
End method

method get_gender:string()
if gender=0 return "male"
if gender=1 return "female"
end method
End type

Local husband:person= new person
Local wife:person= new person"John"


Grouping variables (data) and related methods (functions) is damn useful to avoid confusion as your programs get bigger and more complex.

5 - loops

You can loop thru code in several ways:

For local value:int=1 to 10
print value

Or loop while a certain condition is true

while game_running = true
… do stuff until game_running no longer true …

These are the two loops you will encounter in the sample code.

6 - Conditions

Sometimes portions of your code should only be executed is a certain condition is met:

if something=value do_this


If something=value Then
End if

Or you can go with

If something=value Then
End if

7 - Graphics / cls / flip

When your program uses graphics mode you have to start by setting the screen resolution and define if the program runs full screen or in a window

Graphics 800,600,0

… would run the program on a 800 wide by 600 tall window. In the sample game you have the example of running full screen with the highest available resolution.

All graphics applications need a loop with cls and flip:

' This is loops several times a second depending on the refresh rate of your monitor
While game_running

' your code goes in here


"cls" is used to clear the screen every time you draw a new frame. "Flip" draws whatever you have on your loop into the screen (your drawing operations in reality happen at a backbuffer, and it is flipped when that command is issued).

8 - Sprites, sound & incbin

In order for your graphics and sounds to be included in the main binary you may use "Incbin". You must do it in to steps:

Incbin "path/to/your/file"

And afterwards to load the graphics/sound to your game use:

Global sprite:TImage=LoadImage("incbin::path/to/your/file")

For graphics…

Global noise:TSound=LoadSound("incbin::path/to/your/file")

For sounds…

To display images, once loaded:

DrawImage( sprite, x, y )

To play sounds, once loaded

PlaySound( noise )

That's it. You are ready to dive in the "Octopus" source code: All platforms

Learn to code (Pong game in Blitzmax) in a few minutes

Download the game: Mac / Windows / Linux

So, you want to learn to code/program computers? Fancy the ideia of making your own games one day? Cool. Let's learn.

What you need to know in order to interpret the demo game by looking at the source code:

0 - Install Blitzmax compiler and IDE

Download Blitxmax from for your computer. Install it and run MaxIDE.

1 - Data types

The formula to declare a data type is:

scope name:type

Scope -> can be "Global" or "Local". It determined if your variable is available to all the project code or just for the block it was defined in.

Name -> whatever you want to call it, usually describes the content…

type -> in this game we use "int" (integer) for numeric values (like 1, 2, 3), "long" for some real big numbers, "float" for floating point numbers (like 1.5, 2.7, etc) and "string" to hold strings of characters (like "hello world").

So, if you see something like:

Global AuthorName:string

It means it is available this variable is available of the entire project (Global), it is called "AuthorName" (the variable name) and is of type "string" (holds a bunch of chraracters.

After a variable is declared, it can be assigned a value anywhere on your code (as long as it is in scope):

AuthorName="Paulo Laureano"

You may also assign the value on the same line you declare the variable:

Global AuthorName:string="Paulo Laureano"

A few others examples:

Local drink:string="soda"
Local bottle_capacity_in_liters:float=0.33
Local bottles:int=6

2 - Arrays

You can have several copies of a variable as an Array:

Local drink:string[5]
Local bottle_capacity_in_liters:float[5]
Local bottles:int[5]

…instead of declaring one variable in each of the previous lines, we are declaring an Array of 5 variables per line. These could then be assigned values:


Note that Arrays start at 0 (zero), and end at the declared size minus 1.
Any data type can be used in an Array.

3 - Functions

A function is a block of code, that can be called by name, receive parameters and return values. Sounds complicated? Not really. Just bear with me.

Imagine a sode that does the following:

Local x:float
Local y:float
Local z:float

x = 8 + 4
x = x *10
x = x - 1

y = 24 + 4
y = y * 10
y = y - 1

z = x + y

So we want:

- x to be equal to 8 + 4
- x to be multiplied by 10
- x value to be decremented by 1

And then we want

- y to be equal to 24 + 4
- y to be multiplied by 10
- y value to be decremented by 1

And finally, we want to add the values of x and y…

Notice how similar the first two steps are. Can we create a function that does the same operations receiving 8 or 24 as a parameter and return the final value?

Sure, the formula is:

Function name:returns_datatype(receives_parameters)

End funtion

"returns_datatype" and "receives_parameters" are both optional (you can have functions that return nothing or receive nothing). So back to our example:

Function calculate:float(value:float)
local k:float

k = value + 4
k = k *10
k = k - 1

return k
End function

Local z:float = calculate(8) + calculate(24)

… does exactly the same thing as the previous code, and we end up with the same value in "z". Think of functions as a way to not repeat the same code, and to reuse code you already written. The less code, the less bugs, and that is a good thing. Functions rock!

4 - Structures / classes (defining new data types / associate code to manipulate the data)

You can create new data types yourself, the formula is:

Type name

End type

"Methods" are exactly like "functions" but they work inside the data type. "Fields" are exactly like variables, but the live inside the datatype. Sounds complex? Maybe, until you use it:

Type person
field name:string
field age:int
field gender:int
field height:float

method describe()
print "This person is called " + name + ". It is " + age + " years old, " + get_gender()
+ " and " + height + "feet tall"
End method

method get_gender:string()
if gender=0 return "male"
if gender=1 return "female"
end method
End type

Local husband:person= new person
Local wife:person= new person"John"


Grouping variables (data) and related methods (functions) is damn useful to avoid confusion as your programs get bigger and more complex.

5 - loops

You can loop thru code in several ways:

For local value:int=1 to 10
print value

Or loop while a certain condition is true

while game_running = true
… do stuff until game_running no longer true …

These are the two loops you will encounter in the sample code.

6 - Conditions

Sometimes portions of your code should only be executed is a certain condition is met:

if something=value do_this


If something=value Then
End if

Or you can go with

If something=value Then
End if

7 - Graphics / cls / flip

When your program uses graphics mode you have to start by setting the screen resolution and define if the program runs full screen or in a window

Graphics 800,600,0

… would run the program on a 800 wide by 600 tall window. In the sample game you have the example of running full screen with the highest available resolution.

All graphics applications need a loop with cls and flip:

' This is loops several times a second depending on the refresh rate of your monitor
While game_running

' your code goes in here


"cls" is used to clear the screen every time you draw a new frame. "Flip" draws whatever you have on your loop into the screen (your drawing operations in reality happen at a backbuffer, and it is flipped when that command is issued).

That's it. You are ready to dive in the Pong source code: Download link.