The Generous Gold Diggers: “You Too Can Make It Big; Do This”
Feeding on peoples dreams while realizing your own
The “how to get rich” on some “platform” (Youtube, podcast, Medium) articles sure seem pretty lucrative.
Looking at the sheer number of people pumping out the content on the subject, we can safely assume that apparently, people that “made it” are incredibly generous about spreading the success formula.
Not one of these content creators seems remotely worried about increasing the competition. Something that would indeed happen if everyone made it to the top. They want to help you, dear stranger, take a piece of the pie they are eating.
It looks like a gold rush where every miner is willing to show where to dig to everyone else. Does something sound weird about the concept?
Take a step back, just for a few seconds. Then, think about what happens to these individual content creators’ income if everyone repeats their exact success formula.
I sincerely believe that some people are genuinely altruistic. The sheer amount of helpful advice they give away is spectacular. But, unfortunately, it is a bit harder for me to distinguish the ones that are being confessional about their journeys from others that are simply suffering from a lack of new ideas.
This is not an accusation. On the contrary, I am very thankful to see people willing to help me and others as we start our journeys. But I must admit I find it odd and tiresome to see the same content in a thousand articles about the medium algorithms. Should we, the platform users, repeat ourselves this often?
Wouldn’t it be more productive to create a single non-monetized article in everyone’s profile to the best reference (and original) articles on a particular nuance on how to make it big?
Something like, here is the best article on “how regularly should you publish” by “this person”. Then, we would be rewarding the best among us, not incentivizing plagiarism, not polluting our feeds with the same article rewritten ad nauseam stating the same thing with a slightly different combination of words.
When one of us, Medium users, comes out with an excellent piece on a subject, we should give him credit. Likewise, we should aspire to be credited to our original work one day. The best way to help our readers achieve the success they crave is by setting and showing a good example. Certainly not by plagiarizing our heroes by creating infinite echoes of their original message.
It’s Christmas. Merry Christmas. Let’s share the love, not others content and ideas as our own.
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