Bad Things Happen to Good People; Good Things Happen to Bad People
Just-world hypothesis; we want to believe life is fair and that our morals determine outcomes.
I know I won’t break your heart on this one and that we have seen it happen.
“Gaby is such an amazing individual; how could it happen to her; she must have bad karma.”
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

The concept of “Karma” was adopted outside Hinduism and Buddhism and into popular culture. We need to justify somehow something awful happening to good people that did not deserve it. The unfairness drives people to grab on to something. Whatever. Can I borrow something from your religion for a second now? I need it, thank you so much.
In Christianity, God has a plan. But, we don’t exactly know what it is or “Why” such a seemingly terrible plan exists at all, but the point is that we should accept it. That is what it is. God works in mysterious ways.
Living in a world where a pandemic kills people left and right, I cannot understand how these concepts comfort people that lose their loved ones. I am glad they somehow do, but I cannot figure out why.
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